i find it funny that when you change the oil in your car and you think about dumping it somewhere the epa has a fit. but when you are big business and you are pumping million of gallons into the ocean they tell you, you better clean it up? we pay so much for it and they throw it away. tell me where do you think they are going to get the money to pay for this fix? who's going to be charged extra to recoup for this mess? they tell us it;s under control, that it;s all well contained yet the ocean is always moving, always changing. fish, the food we eat, the eco system that is so vital to our survival is being effected. oil is filled with carcinogens, cancer causing agents which is contaminating the fish, and yet in turn is coming into your families plates and mine, if that was you or i how much trouble would we be in? i don't think it;s fair and i f=don;t think it;s right. i feel BP should be held with some kind of responsibility, some kind of repressions from this because frankly the ones that are going to have to pay for it in the long rn is you and I.What do you think about this bp oil leak?
Well BP already paid 80 million to those who were effected by the golf coast. This is a tragedy that didn't have to happen and because of that BP person who ignored the engineer who said we need to change the broken piece, we are all paying the price. BP employees will be laid off who were not responsible for this and their families will suffer. We all will suffer something we never faced before if they don't stop that leak now. It gets me so upset that we are now drilling off shores and have STUPID ppl in charge of that. Not to mention taking oil out of the Earth causes more earthquakes. We have the technology for alternatives that will exclude the need for oil, yet they are not jumping on it, because of the money oil brings in I think.What do you think about this bp oil leak?
BP is Looking at this as trying to recoup opperations to continu at the same site to save money. If they wanted to seal the leak and to move opperations some ware ealse it would have happened a long time ago.