Yeah - a manual is a real plus, and you should get one (especially since I notice you're asking a lot of Camaro questions!!!)
Like the previous guy said - but with more detail:
Detach the screws and clip on the panel trim, lower the trim.
Slide the accelerator cable out of the slot on the pedal arm.
Squeeze the cable cover tangs and push the cable through into the engine compartment.
Remove the throttle valve plastic cover to the side of the throttle body.
Detach the cable-to-throttle lever (turn the throttle to make this easier).
Detach the cable from the lever.
Squeeze the tangs and push the cable through the cable bracket.
Read this whole thing backwards when you're ready to install!
Its a fairly simple operation, and if things go smoothly, it takes maybe a half hour - the biggest pain is the interior trim, really. When your done, find a pal, and have him/her push the pedal as you look for binding when you install the new cable. And to prevent any leaks, put a little RTV sealant around the point on the firewall where the cable comes through. How to change the throttle cable on a 1994 Camaro V6?
I might suggest going to your local auto parts store and purchasing a repair manual ( Haynes, Mitchell, or Chilton's) are all good manuals and will probably run you somewhere along the lines of $20 to $30. They have all the information needed for any kind of repair or any kind of troubleshooting. Really a must have if you want to do things yourself. Anyway back to the question at hand. The cable comes off the foot pedal first then slides out through the fire wall. Reverse to install. As far as the oil pump goes your looking at quite a job. You need to thumb through the repair manual and make sure you have the capabilities and the tools to complete this task. If your patient and can read and follow instructions this will be a good job and a good learning experience. GOOD LUCK!!